Kaba means Kapha dosha. Asura means one which helps in mitigating Kapha dosha. If read as Sura means Jwara or fever. Kudineer means concoction/decoction/Herbal Tea.
Kabasura Kudineer is a well known Siddha
medicine that consists of a whopping 15 herbal ingredients, each of them having
unique characteristic features of its own. But this Churnam is extensively
aimed for boosting the lungs, improving respiratory mechanism, and treating
infectious conditions like cough, cold, fever, and other respiratory
infections. This Churnam became quite well-known during the times of flu owing
to its therapeutic and curative qualities.
The Churnam though in powdered form is generally consumed after infusing it in water and making a decoction or kashayam like consistency.
Kabasura Kudineer curnam has its own traditional formula for increasing Immunity to fight against active viruses.
Presentation: Powder (Choorana) form to prepare Kashaya/Concoction/Herbal Tea
- In the management many types of fever and flu with respiratory complications.
- It had an important role in the management of Swine Flu during its outbreak and was highly recommended by Siddha Practitioners for prevention and reduction of symptoms.
- Use of Kabasura Kudineer Chooranam is being recommended by Siddha practitioners for prevention and treatment (reduction in symptom intensity) of Corona Virus (COVID 19)
- Stock: In Stock
- Model: 022
- Weight: 50.00g