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Arugampul curnam

Arugampul curnam
Arugampul curnam


S.NoName of MaterialBotanical NameParts UsedQty
1Arugampulcynoden dactylonwhole plant100℅

Durva Grass | Arugampul in Tamil - Arugampul
English - Bermuda Grass
Hindi - Dhurva | Dhub | Dhoob
Sanskrit - Dhurva
Malayalam - Karuka
Telugu - Garikagoddi
Kannada - Garikoihallu 
Bengali - Dhurba

Scientific Name | Botanical Name -  Cynodon Dactylon

  • Relieves Acidity – Due to its alkaline property, it is known to relieve acidity in a person.
  • Stabilizes blood sugar – Consuming arugampul juice helps stabilize blood sugar level.
  • Relieves Diuretic condition – Consuming this juice early in the morning helps one detoxify his/her body of toxins and also gets rid of water retention. This is also useful in treating urinary tract infections.
  • Build Immunity – Durva grass contains Cynodon Dactylon Protein Fractions . This is a protein compound responsible for improving immunity. Durva grass is also called as energizer or immunity booster.
  • A cure against cold and Phlegm – Regular consumption of arugampul juice is helpful in fighting cold and sinusitis condition.
  • Protects from harmful UV rays - Arugampul is good for face and skin as it can protect you from harmful UV rays.
  • Relieves skin conditions – Skin conditions such as eczema, fungal infections can be treated, when one applies a paste made from arugampul grass. Drinking its juice in conjunction also helps in detoxifying thereby preventing further worsening of skin condition. You can add turmeric powder with the arugampul paste when you apply on the skin.
  • Useful for Anemic condition – Durva grass consists of more than 65% chlorophyll, which helps step up production of red blood cells and hemoglobin, which helps arugampul to relieve from anemia.
  • Clears all kinds of congestion – Consumption of arugampul juice, helps clear congestion in chest or lungs. It is helpful in conditions such as Bronchial disorders and Asthma.
  • Relief from Menstrual pain and irregularity – Bermuda grass juice is helpful in conditions such as PCOS. It is also helpful in relieving pain and headaches accompanied during menstruation.
  • Helps in relieving hemorrhoids and piles – Consuming Bermuda grass juice preparation in milk, helps in relieving conditions like hemorrhoids and piles.
  • Helpful in treating Eye infections – Arugampul juice when applied to eye infections is helpful in alleviating its symptoms. This should be done after medical consultation.
  • Prevention of stroke, cancer, cardiovascular disease – Bermuda grass is a rich source of, Vitamin's C, A, which give it antioxidant properties. Antioxidants are known to prevent cardiovascular conditions, cancers, and strokes. It is also helpful in combating atherosclerosis.
  • Teeth strengthening and mouth odor prevention – Durva Grass juice, helps fight bad odor. When this grass is chewed, it helps strengthen teeth and cures bleeding gums.
  • Arugampul Juice for Weight Loss  – Hunger pangs are easily managed when one consumes, arugampul juice. It can help withstand hunger for more than three hours, thereby preventing binge eating and weight gain. Hence arugampul juice is good for weight loss. You can drink arugampul juice instead of having mid-morning snack as part of your weight loss journey. 
  • Nose bleeding – This grass juice helps with nose bleeds. Applying two drops of this juice into the nostril helps stop the bleeding. This should be done after medical consultation.
  • Best for wounds – Wounds heal faster when bandaged with garlic and arugampul paste.
  • Helps relieving stress – Applying the paste of this grass over feet sole, helps one get relief from stress. Walking on this grass provides a natural stress relief.
  • Prevention of Nervous system disorders – Consuming arugampul juice, on a regular basis, tones down the nervous system and helps keep nervous system disorders at bay.
  • Helps relieve constipation – Consumption of Bermuda grass helps tide over all stomach related problems, thereby improving bowel movement and toxin release.
  • Managing Diarrhea with Bermuda juice – Bermuda concoction is helpful for managing diarrhea, within few doses of consumption.
  • Helps lactating mothers and newborns – This juice is known to help prevent cold and cough in infants when mother takes arugampul juice. The mother may see improvement in milk production. It is also known to relieve teething problems.
  • A natural blood purifier – Consuming concoction of Bermuda grass helps in blood purification process.

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  • Stock: In Stock
  • Model: 090
  • Weight: 50.00g